“While an individual may make a great discovery, it takes a village of dedicated professionals to realize it commercially.  Meetings like the Exosome Based Therapeutics Summit provide essential opportunities for collaboration and sparking innovation that leads to the cures we are all striving to bring to patients around the world” 

Kevin C. Hicok, Chief Operating Officer, EV Therapeutics

“This meeting brings together industrial and academic partners a single focused forum to exchange ideas toward developing exosomes for biomedical applications” 

Phil Campbell, Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Coya Therapeutics

“Exosomes as a therapeutic paradigm is a new and potentially revolutionary technology. An exchange of ideas and knowhow, in tandem with a forum to establish new collaborations is critical for the success of this field” 

Atta Behfar, Russ and Kathy Van Cleve Professor of Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic; Founder, Rion

“Given the relatively young age of the field, meetings such as this are incredibly valuable as they provide direct access between leading scientists. Publications provide general knowledge, but seeing data presented personally allows for direct communication with leading researchers, resulting in deeper discussions that advance the field” 

Spencer Marsh, Chief Scientific Officer, The Tiny Cargo Company

“This meeting is a great opportunity to meet leaders in the EV industry and to discuss the challenges encountered in the development of an exosome-based therapy” 

Lyora Aharonov, Director of R&D, NurExone Biologic

“The field of Regenerative Medicine is growing fast, but it is still confusing for many healthcare providers and patients. Because exosomes are a major component of regenerative therapies, it's critical that we clarify their biology and use in this industry so that these technologies can be deployed safely and effectively as we scale” 

Ian A. White, Vice President, American College of Regenerative Medicine

“I am excited to be a part of this annual event which continues to attract the world’s leaders in exosome development” 

Michael LeClaire, Senior Scientist, Capricor Therapeutics

“This meeting brings together leaders in the exosome technology space to discuss the challenges facing the industry. In doing so, it creates a valuable platform for discussion. The ability to talk with individuals sharing multiple viewpoints and areas of expertise across a wide array of EV-based therapies and fundamental science is a key advantage of this conference. It is a great opportunity to learn from our peers as we innovate together” 

Christopher Paradise, Vice President, Research & Development, Rion

“This 5th Exosome based therapeutic development submit is foundational for networking and developing collaborations with other top players in the exosome field” 

Subree Subramanian, Professor & Chief Scientific Officer, EV Therapeutics

“This meeting provides an opportunity to make new connections with leaders in this field. Advance this research and find collaborators to develop a worth while therapeutic” 

Sabine Flenday, Director, StemXo

“I think it is incredibly valuable to take part in this meeting to increase the knowledge and potential of the clinical application of EVs. The field is growing rapidly and the translation from bench to bedside needs to be performed to the highest standard” 

Katie Gilligan, Head of Research, OmniSpirant Therapeutics

“This meeting provides the opportunity to stay abreast of the latest research, and to contribute to the advancement of this important and rapidly evolving field of exosome and extracellular vesicle research & development” 

Heidi Kempinski, Chief Operating Officer, Aegle Therapeutics

“This meeting provides a forum for leaders in the exosome field to gain insights to new developments in research and manufacturing, which will hopefully lead to successful clinical studies and improving patient outcomes in the future” 

Emily Baker, Director of Nonclinical Research, Aruna Bio

“Learning from other industry leaders to recognize and address the inherent challenges of EV product clinical development is a valued experience from this meeting” 

Michael Bellio, Vice President of Research and Manufacturing, Organicell Regenerative Medicine

“By sharing our work with other scientists in both academia and industry at the Exosome Based Therapeutic Development Summit, we can share valuable feedback and insights from experts in the field. Engaging with other attendees who share a common interest in exosome therapeutics can also lead to fruitful discussion, exchange of research findings, and the exploration of new research avenues. Building connections and establishing with these professionals can open doors to potential collaborations, access to additional resources, and a broader scientific community” 

Sun Young (Sunny) Lee, Assistant Professor, University of Southern California

“An opportunity to share the challenges associated with building a new modality and the delineation of the path to the clinic for extracellular vesicle-based therapeutics” 

Joseph Nabhan, Chief Scientific Officer, Vesigen Therapeutics 

“Very interesting and valuable to get the perspective of other teams working with EVs in different therapeutic and diagnostic fields. I believe that such knowledge sharing will make a positive impact on all participants. Another important avenue is a possibility of a fruitful connection between developers
and service providers in the field” 

Alex Tendler, Chief Technology Officer, ExoProTher Medical 

“This meeting brings together colleagues and thought leaders that specialize in this unique field and is, therefore, a great opportunity to network and share our scientific advances” 

Netta Blondheim-Shraga, Vice President, Research & Development, Brainstorm Cell

“This meeting is pivotal to interacting with other leaders in the industry so we can share ideas and develop better therapeutics” 

Terry Hogue, VP Medical Affairs, Florica Therapeutics 

 “Learning from others’ experience through sharing of clinical and preclinical data and manufacturing techniques. Education on clinical manufacturing techniques currently being used for clinical trial manufacturing”

Michael Bellio, VP- Research & Manufacturing; Laboratory Director, Organicell

“I look forward to gathering with the leaders in the exosome field to discuss the latest developments in this exciting space” 

Linda Marban, CEO, Capricor Therapeutics 

“This conference convenes experts from diverse exosome-related disciplines, providing an invaluable forum for dialogue and knowledge exchange on cutting-edge pre-clinical and clinical advancements, alongside the latest manufacturing techniques. Furthermore, it presents a prime opportunity for fostering collaborations across a range of multidisciplinary research initiatives” 

Gi-Hoon Nam, CEO, ShiftBio 

“We see this meeting as a golden opportunity to interact with other leaders in the field so that we may all move forward and advance our goals in the development of cutting-edge therapeutics” 

Christine Ichim, CEO, Florica Therapeutics  

“The meeting provides a great environment for learning about the latest developments in therapeutic translational use of EV technology” 

Steve Stice, CSO, Aruna Bio  

 “This meeting is an excellent gathering of some of the most innovative developers of EV therapy. It is a chance to meet and discuss developments, obstacles, and successes”

Shelley Hartman, CEO, Aegle Therapeutics